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Sunday, August 12, 2007

Aashada(AAdi,Kataka) Amavasya- Significance

Aaashada amavasya is considered as the most appropriate day for oblations to the departed (Pithru karma).I would like to share some of the thoughts on the day. As discussed in one of my earlier posts 2 subtle factors of human existence , the mind and the soul do not perish on the destruction of the body.of these two the soul do not require any oblations since it is pure and do not have any wish. The mind as long as it does not attain mukthi may exist even after the mortal body ceased to exist. To help such mind in its pursuit for nirvana the living beings give oblations and prayers for the mind to get detached from the worldly connections and get free from the karmic connections. The prayer and the dyana of the living beings help such minds to free themselves from the karmic connections.The begining of Dakshinayana periods with the amavasya is the best for the frutification of such prayers and wish intended for the departed entities.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr.Menon,
I came across your blog while searching information regarding the auspiciousness, or otherwise, of Amavasya.
Could you please shed some light on the topic?

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